23/3/MMXI : The actress behind "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", "Cleopatra" and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" passed away today.
Elizabeth Taylor's publicist announced Wednesday morning that the actress died of congestive hearth failure. Hollywood and fashion icon, died today at the age of 79. However, her impact on style and glamour will remain. Elizabeth Taylor is one of the few Hollywood stars who has remained an icon throughout the decades. Her fame started at the early age of 12 and followed her through adulthood. She’s been in over 100 films, been nominated for 3 Academy Awards (Raintree Country, Cat On a Hot Tin Roof, and Suddenly Last Summer), and won 2 Oscars (Butterfield 8 and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf). After starring in Cleopatra, she was also the first actress to earn $1 million. Her career has been full and successful. Outside of her Hollywood career, she became somewhat notorious for her 8 marriages and 7 divorces, plus time in rehab. Aside from acting, Elizabeth Taylor was an AIDS activist. She also was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empir, and has multiple perfume and jewelry lines. Her dark hair and eyes in contrast to her fair skin helped catapult her to fame, and her beauty will remain iconic forever.
3 comentarios:
Tot te la seva fi.
Quedará el record, potser un bon record per uns, i algo passat per altres.
Pero tot te la seva fi.
Si? jo no estic d'acord, hi han personas, fets, moments que no tenen final, pasan d'un estat a un altre pero no tenen final perque el que han fet, el que han deixat darrera seu es tan gran que perdurà més enllà de les limitacions físicas.
Liz ha deixat un record que perdurarà més enllà dels que estem parlant d'ella, aquestas lletras tenen fi, personatges com Cleo son inmortals.
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